People who want to adopt a dog don’t always see everything an animal shelter does to get the dog from a shelter cage to a new owner’s arms. Most shelters don’t have enough funds to keep dogs happy and sane while in their care. When prospective owners visit, they don’t realize the dog will become a playful, happy pet in a home. They just see a depressed dog, or even a dog who’s sick.
Philadoptables was founded to fill the gaps between shelter funds and the animal’s needs. The volunteers realized that dogs needed a safe, comfortable place where they could play in all kinds of weather.
Play is essential to the dog’s physical and mental health. A dog who plays will sleep better in the shelter because he’s tired. He’ll bark less and will learn tricks more quickly. He’ll be happier and probably won’t be as jumpy or nervous.
Additionally, ACCT volunteers work with dogs to train them in new behaviors. Some dogs know the basics and just need to maintain them. Some were never taught anything beyond “sit,” and sometimes nothing all. Training gives the dogs some stimulation so they’re better adjusted. As a result, each dog will be more likely to get adopted and will be a better pet once he’s adopted.
During rain and snow days, and in the heat of summer, dogs can’t stay out more than a few minutes. The volunteers can’t be outdoors in bad weather and some dogs like bad weather either.
Enter Philadoptables with …
An All-Weather Play Area For Philly’s animal control shelter
Last year Philadoptables arranged for architectural drawings for a new play area cover that will let animals play and exercise in any type of weather. We set funds aside to build the structure but now they have learned they need considerably more.
The city’s building department requires expensive ground drilling and soil testing to be completed, and they require fire rated materials to be used for the project. These requirements increased the original costs of $17,000 to $28,000.
Raising $11,000 For The Dogs
A general contractor, Puro-Tec LTD generously donated their general contracting time to oversee this project. The new budget reflects labor, materials and related costs to comply with the city requirements.
Michelle Helms, President of Philadoptables, says, “This is a project we are very passionate about completing even with the increased budget. No matter what the weather, the pups still need to get outside. Having a play yard with a roof is going to help them stay dry and safe during inclement weather.”
Therefore we need to raise $11,000. It’s a daunting task: Philadoptables has no paid staff. All funds raised go directly to support the animals.
We need your help! To donate, use the link below. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Every dollar goes directly to the project and you’ll be helping to improve the lives of shelter dogs.