Last week, Phoenix Animal Rescue needed immediate support when their air conditioner stopped working. Being 20+ years old, the only option was to replace the unit and quickly.
With over 70 dogs in their care and endless veterinary bills, replacing the unit immediately was not in the budget.
PAR reached out to their social media followers and McCaffery Mechanical for dire help. Within 24 hours, Bill from McCaffery Mechanical provided the repairs at a discounted rate, and both units were fully replaced! Philadoptables is proud to support PAR and donated $500 towards the repairs! Thanks to McCaffery Mechanical and everyone that donated, the kennel is once again cool. The new systems will cut down on heating and cooling costs, future repairs, and will make a world of a difference to PAR.
Animal welfare is never predictable. No two days are alike and you never know what the day will bring. What we can always count on, are generous supporters that enable us to continue supporting rescue organizations in our community!