It all started in April 2012 with a request from the shelter director to make a dog play yard for the homeless pups of Philadelphia. From there we built five more but our project has been incomplete this whole time. There were many distractions, setbacks, and much frustration but we are proud to say that the play yard roof at the shelter has been completed!! There is now a roof so that dogs can exercise, play, and relax in any weather. We could not have done this alone, there are countless people to thank. We would like to thank Petco Foundation and our amazing supporters who donated to this project. We also need a give a HUGE thank you to our friends at Puro-Tec LTD for getting this project completed! They went through hours of back and forth with the city to get the correct permits and never gave up! They also donated their general contracting time to oversee this project through to completion. THANK YOU!
Philadoptables is pleased to donate the space to the volunteers and homeless dogs of Philadelphia!