What started as a very determined young man who grabbed his landscape nippers and took off in pursuit of a wild butterfly bush blocking the sidewalk turned into our shelter clean up!
Our volunteers built 37 dog beds and took them into the kennels so our dog friends will sleep comfortably. Countless loads of laundry were done and the laundry room was deep cleaned. Dishes were cleaned, trash was bagged, sail shades were hung in the outside runs, and that’s just the beginning of the work that was completed. Some dedicated folks cleaned out the community cat area, freshened up the bedding, and countless pallets were dragged to the front of the property where they are available for pick up. We fixed things and cleaned things, made and gave out yummy treats, and tried to make the shelter a more safe and comfortable place for the animals, the volunteers, and the staff.
Thank you to this huge amazing group of people who showed up to help out today!