Approximately 1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer at some stage in their life. For dogs 10 years and older, that probability increases to 1 in 2 dogs will receive a cancer diagnosis.
Caring for a pet with cancer is heartbreaking and stressful in so many ways.
So often we see cost as a barrier to lifesaving veterinary care. Pet parents experiencing financial hardship are extremely limited on veterinary options and care if their pet becomes sick.
This painful struggle may force people to surrender their beloved pets to local animal services as a last sort. This often results in a pet being separated from their family in their time of need while exacerbating the issues of the already overcrowded shelter system.
Lilly’s Legacy Medical Fund is Philadoptables new program to provide support and assistance to those with dogs diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma.
Why does Lilly’s Legacy Medical Fund exist?
This medical fund exists to provide financial assistance for dog owners experiencing hemangiosarcoma (HSA) in their beloved pet. Hemangiosarcoma is a blood vessel cancer that does not have a cure and the prognosis is poor post diagnosis.
Golden retrievers, German shepherds, and Labrador retrievers are among the breeds most frequently diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma. It most commonly affects the spleen, liver, right atrium of the heart, and skin. Tumors can occur in any part of the body, however. In most cases, the cause of hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is unknown.
LLMF’s purpose is to provide financial support to dogs owners with incurred HSA expenses. The medical fund provides partial financial support and reimbursement for verified medical expenses associated with the diagnosis, surgery or treatment of hemangiosarcoma. LLMF is focused on supporting dog owners with incurred HSA expenses. If HSA is suspected, a pre-diagnosis ultrasound may be covered by LLMF. If HSA is confirmed, applicants may receive additional funding.
Grants are awarded based on availability of funds, individual financial needs, eligibility listed below, and at the sole discretion and abilities of the members of the Philadoptables board.
Who was Lilly?
Lilly was Philadoptables Board Vice President, Diana’s heart dog. Being Lilly’s mom made Diana so proud and lucky to have such a faithful canine companion. Lilly came into Diana’s life when she was about one and a half years old. It was a weekend trial to see how she got along with Diana’s cat. Needless to say, Lilly was home the moment she walked in the door. She became Diana’s best friend, her confidant, and together, they shared many adventures. Diana had the privilege to be a part of Lilly’s life for almost ten years. They went hiking, took beach trips, and watched many sunsets together. They also enjoyed many quiet nights at home snuggled up just enjoying each others company!
Lilly went pretty much anywhere Diana was. If you saw Diana, you probably saw Lilly too.
Over the years, Lilly would help Diana welcome countless foster kittens and cats into their home. She was like a mama to them and is the reason so many kittens entered their adoptive home with dogs seamlessly and with ease. Lilly was truly one of a kind. The bond and love Lilly and Diana shared was undeniable to anyone who knew them. While Lilly’s time with Diana was cut short, her love lives forever within Diana’s heart and her legacy lives on through this medical fund.
Diana has found comfort through support groups and pet loss grief counseling. If you would benefit from this service, please check out Lap of Love’s support groups here.
Am I eligible for a grant?
Pet owners must be a resident of any county below and need financial assistance with hemangiosarcoma cancer treatment
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, York, Montgomery, Bucks, Berks, Lehigh, Lebanon, Northampton, Carbon, Schuylkill, Luzerne
New Jersey: Camden, Burlington, Ocean, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, Monmouth, Mercer
Delaware: Statewide – no restrictions
Pet Requirements:
1. At this time, only dogs are eligible for grant funding through Lilly’s Legacy Medical Fund
2. Pet must be spayed or neutered to receive a grant
If your pet is not spayed or neutered, please contact Diana at [email protected] for further information
LLMF grant funds cannot be used to pay for routine treatment, vaccinations, spay or neuter. If you need assistance or information on our low-cost spay/neuter clinic and vaccinations, please visit Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Rescue Organizations:
Animals in foster care with a rescue or organization do not qualify for this program
What is the application process?
Please apply for a LLMF grant here or using the link below
Decisions from grant submissions may take up to two weeks. Please do not rely on pending grant funds or delay medical care while your application is pending. We encourage pet owners to make the best decision for their pet and their well-being after consulting with a veterinarian.
If your pet is facing an illness or medical emergency, please seek medical attention immediately.