Philadoptables joins The Eye Opener staff at PHL17
For four weeks in the beginning of the year, Philadoptables had the pleasure to join The Eye Opener staff at PHL17 at their live show to help spread the word about the importance of adoptions and the needs of the shelter. We started out our first week with 5 super adorable kittens from foster care, and the staff could not get enough of the purrs and play time. Second week, we brought in, no less adorable, dogs. The little Terrier, Pomeranian and Shi-tzu soon after their show found their way to new homes and rescues. Not to be outdone, next came in the mature adult cats, who in their own special way took over the studio and the stole the show. Lastly, we finished up our last week with PHL17 with our special needs pets – two blind kittens and a three legged pup. All three became fast friends with the staff
2012 Camp Out for Hunger Another Huge Success!
Thanks to the efforts of a tremendous crew of donors, volunteers and our supporting partners, Philadoptables was able to collect over 30,000 lbs. of pet food this year! The collection boxes were set up far and wide and communities surrounding Philadelphia really stepped up for our beloved homeless pets. Not only did we collect more than 15 tons of food, but we had an incredible time, as aalways!
We want to give a huge shout out to WMMR and The Preston and Steve Show for once again allowing us to be guests at their biggest event of the year! This event makes it possible for us to continue to support the animals and the people who love them. We could not have more gratitude and respect for what Preston and Steve do for the community by hosting the event and are humbled by being a part of it. Thank you, too, to station listeners who showed your support by bringing pet food with you in addition to your donations for the food drive.
Our deepest gratitude also goes out to our supporting business partners, who step up time and time again. Pet Valu has long supported our mission and once again stepped up to the plate with tremendous generosity and we could not appreciate their willingness to step up for those in need more! Cutter’s Mill once again also stepped up for Philly’s homeless pets and we truly appreciate their belief in and support of our mission.
This event simply would not be possible without the dedicated volunteers from Philly’s animal control shelter. From those who collected food, those who shared our fliers, those who brought adoptable dogs to the event. You are our heroes! You are the ones who keep us moving forward, who give us the inspiration to keep going, trying and pushing to do more for Philly’s homeless animals.
The Holiday Season is full of reasons to give Thanks. We thank all of you for giving us even more reasons. Your kindness and hard work is appreciated more than we could ever express in words!