On August 28th we fell in love with an injured cat we had never met and a caretaker who would do anything to help him. Tabita and her family had been feeding a stray cat for about a year when he showed up limping one morning.
They took him to a vet and were told he had a fracture that would heal on its own but that he couldn’t stay outside. They took him to a second vet who said the cat needed surgery. They were told by the second vet to surrender him to Philly’s animal control shelter. Tabita feared since he was injured he could be euthanized and was reached out to Philadoptables for some advice and financial assistance.
2 hours later I was fully engaged and emailing frantically back and forth asking for vet records, any photos and more information. Turned out this kitty was very friendly! This family was willing to do anything to help. We found out Tabita had never even had a pet before! You wouldn’t know that by the love and concern that she was expressing for this cat who was affectionately named Baby. We got Baby scheduled for surgery at The Bridge Clinic. Surgery was funded by us, LIFE: lifesaving initiative funding efforts, donations, and Tabita’s family. I drove over to the vet to meet them the morning of surgery because they had become like family in such a short time. Tabita and her mom were amazing and Baby was so affectionate even with his broken leg. Surgery went well and Baby healed quickly at Tabita’s house. I was super worried about what would happen once he was healed. Tabita ‘s landlord didn’t allow pets. She was trying to find an adopter for him.
Baby started looking and acting unwell in the fall so Tabita took him for another checkup and he was diagnosed with possible FIP (Feline infectious peritonitis is a fatal systemic coronavirus infection and a leading cause of death in young cats if not treated) We were already committed to helping this kitty but don’t know anything about FIP. A good friend of ours stepped up with advice and taught the family how to treat Baby’s illness. Thanks to your support and donations we were able to fund the entire thing!
Baby is getting the treatment he needs. In the meantime, Tabita contacted her landlord and got permission to keep him!! Watching Baby heal has been amazing but seeing the family’s love and commitment to him has been even more amazing. My heart is exploding with happiness for this wonderful family and very deserving kitty. Happy life, Baby!