Our friends at Kodi’s Club sprung into quick action to save dog that was found suffering from heat stroke.
“A Rottie was just found laying in lateral recumbency at a city park and having a heat stroke. ACO was called. He’s in bad shape. Temp was 106, now just under 107. Finding an ER was not easy. Mt Laurel thankfully is taking him. Pray he makes it. They’re calling him Rocco. Danielle is racing him there now. ” Kodi’s Club Facebook
After a few days of round-the-clock care, Rocco finally stood up! He has been transferred to a veterinary hospital close to Kodi’s Club volunteers for additional love and care.
Kodi’s Club saved Rocco and we are proud to donate towards his lifesaving care. Our paws are crossed that Rocco feels better soon!